Nara was the capital of Japan from 710 to 784. During this period the framework of national government was consolidated and Nara enjoyed great prosperity, emerging as the fountainhead of Japanese culture. The city's historic monuments – Buddhist temples, Shinto shrines and the excavated remains of the great Imperial Palace – provide a vivid picture of life in the Japanese capital in the 8th century, a period of profound political and cultural change. Nara was the capital of Japan from 710 to 784. During this period the framework of national government was consolidated and Nara enjoyed great prosperity, emerging as the fountainhead of Japanese culture. The city's historic monuments – Buddhist temples, Shinto shrines and the excavated remains of the great Imperial Palace – provide a vivid picture of life in the Japanese capital in the 8th century, a period of profound political and cultural change.
奈良是日本的首都從710 到784 。在這個期間國家政府框架被鞏固且奈良是當時繁榮的地區, 湧現作為日本文化fountainhead 。城市的歷史紀念碑─佛教寺廟、Shinto寺廟和被挖掘偉大的皇家宮殿遺骸,提供生活一張生動的圖片。日本首都在第8個世紀,是政治發展和文化變動的期間。
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